In the golden age of the early 2000s, amidst the rise of edgy game titles, Cel Damage made its debut, ready to put the 'cartoon' back into 'vehicular mayhem.' Fast forward to 2014, and we have Cel Damage HD—the remaster of a classic that spiced up the console wars with its colorful, chaotic energy, like a toddler dipped in paint tackling a blank canvas.
Cel Damage HD is best described as vehicular combat meets cartoon slapstick. Players choose from an outrageous cast of characters, each wielding bizarre weapons, think chainsaws and vacuum nozzles, not your typical guns and grenades. There are three main modes to dive into: Smack Attack, Gate Relay, and Flag Rally. Smack Attack throws you and your friends into a frenzied skirmish, trying to outscore each other in a chaotic brawl worthy of Saturday morning cartoons. Gate Relay drags you into a frenetic race through checkpoints like a cartoonish version of Mario Kart, while Flag Rally turns the whole mess into a game of capture the flag with vehicular flair. The controls are tight enough to steer a car with reasonable precision, although there's a hint of cartoon physics that makes every bump feel exaggerated—think road rage turned slapstick.
Graphically, Cel Damage HD is a delightful homage to the cel shading trend, layering vibrant colors that pop off the screen like a painter took too much caffeine. The update gives the original a fresh coat of paint while keeping the quirky, whimsical aesthetics intact. If you ever dreamed of cruising through a Looney Tunes episode while smashing cars with silly weapons, this game's got you covered. Cars flex and twist like rubber bands; you wonder if physics class is truly relevant when everything acts like it just had a double espresso shot.
Cel Damage HD, while lacking the depth of modern vehicular combat titles, thrives on its chaotic charm and lighthearted chaos. It’s not for the seasoned veteran seeking a hardcore combat experience, but it’s perfect if you want to jump in for a few rounds of silly fun. So grab your console, gather some friends, and prepare to laugh—and maybe cry—over the absurdity of cartoon-inspired destruction. In the end, Cel Damage HD may not be the heavyweight champion of vehicular combat, but it knows how to provide a good time with a wink and a smile.