Ahoy there, mateys! If you’ve ever dreamt of commanding a naval leviathan while simultaneously trying to figure out how to get that strange smell out of your controller, then 'World of Warships: Legends' might just be the only game that lets you do both. Think naval warfare, but with slightly fewer cannons than your average pirate ship and a lot more matchmaking woes. Set sail into a pixelated high sea adventure, complete with warships that look like they just emerged from a hot blast in World War II’s most stylish combat.
The gameplay revolves around navigating your beautifully modeled warship, engaging in something that resembles teamwork, and ultimately cursing your fate when your ship sinks due to that person who decided to chase the shiny gold that's somehow always just out of reach. Players can select between various ship types, each designed to make you feel powerful while inevitably bound to miscalculate your maneuvers — and by miscalculate, I mean ‘ram into an iceberg’. Battle formats include PvP and PvE, and you can group up with up to three friends to form a 'division', or as I like to call it, 'the group of people I’ll blame when I inevitably lose'. Forgetful memories are forgiven in this game; if you rage-quit, it’s only two button presses away from coming right back. Whether engaging in 12v12 random battles or teaming up in coop matches against AI-controlled bots, each match feels like it could serve as the plot for an epic sea film that was made on a shoestring budget. Players can also partake in ranked battles and seasonal competitive modes for those who prefer their naval battles with a side of competitive anxiety, or you can chill in the training room and just blow stuff up without the existential dread. Each match, regardless of victory or defeat, rewards you with credits (no, not the ones you need to pay rent), and experience points, which you can invest into improving your vessel and not into your college fund, because that would require being responsible.
Graphically, the game takes full advantage of everything the PS5 has to offer. That's right, folks—there are waves you may feel too guilty to splash in simply because they look so damn fabulous. Each ship is intricately designed, down to the minute details of their rigging, while the water's reflections can make you swoon like it’s got its own Instagram account. That said, if you're breaking the fourth wall, you might also notice that the weather effects, while visually appealing, can feel like a trick to keep you on your toes rather than maintain realism. But let’s be honest, if we wanted realism we wouldn’t be calling ourselves gamers; we'd be out there doing something productive like, I don't know, learning how to actually sail a boat. The maps where these battles take place are resourcefully crafted, giving everyone a fair shot at epic ambushes, sneak attacks, or desperate every-man-for-himself scenarios. Weather can drastically change the course of battle, and you’ll quickly learn that your allies rarely aspire to watching your back, especially when there’s shiny stuff out there to grab. Thanks to the PS5's prowess, loading times are nearly nonexistent, so you can pop in for a quick match during a snack break rather than set aside an entire evening waiting for your children to load into the game.
In conclusion, 'World of Warships: Legends' is a surprisingly engaging naval combat experience that blends strategic maneuvering with the sheer thrill of trying not to let your team down (again). While it’s true that this nautical adventure has a few quirks—like a matchmaking system that sometimes feels more like a final episode cliffhanger than a fair competition—it’s worth diving into if you’re keen on commandeering a ship and getting wrecked in style. Set your sails, stock up on snacks, and prepare for a pixelated adventure that’s bound to keep you afloat for hours. Just remember: when all else fails, refer back to the age-old wisdom of naval combat: if it floats, shoot it. Happy sailing!