Gather around, fellow gamers, because today we're diving into the gnarly world of 'MTV Sports: Skateboarding featuring Andy Macdonald'! If you’ve ever wanted to shred it like a pro while simultaneously wondering how a game with Andy Macdonald's name on it wound up being so forgettable, buckle up. Spoiler alert: this game is less Tony Hawk and more Tony Ouch! And we're only halfway through the introduction!
Gameplay consists of, well, skating around and doing tricks — an activity that in theory should be a whole lot of fun. But alas, the game feels like it zapped all the excitement straight out of the skateboard. The controls are about as responsive as my uncle after Thanksgiving dinner – slow and soggy. Tricks tend to happen when they feel like it, rather than when you command them. You might wanna pull off a sweet kickflip but instead, you’ll end up with your skater taking a nosedive into a pile of virtual trash. It’s basically a game of trial and error, but unfortunately, it leans heavily toward the error side of the spectrum, leaving you more frustrated than a skateboarder stuck in a traffic jam.
Visually, the game aims for a cool urban vibe, but instead ends up looking about as impressive as day-old pizza left on the counter. Character models are stiff as a board (pun intended), and the environments lack any real flair, making everything feel more bland than a bowl of oatmeal. During the time of its release, many games were dazzying players' screens, but this one is about as exciting as watching paint dry or a sitcom that’s been on for ten seasons too long.
In conclusion, 'MTV Sports: Skateboarding featuring Andy Macdonald' is an exercise in disappointment. This game would struggle to warrant even a casual recommendation. Control issues, lackluster graphics, and mind-numbing gameplay lead to a product that feels like it skated over the edge and straight into a brick wall. If you’re looking for a skating game, do yourself a favor, and aim for anything else. There are better games out there that won’t leave you smashing your controller in frustration. Unfortunately, Andy Macdonald may want to add this to the list of skateregret. So unless you're a glutton for punishment or a hardcore completionist, consider parking this one back at the halfpipe.