Have you ever thought to yourself, 'You know what I need? A game where I can control a gun-slinging horseman named Strife and his more brooding brother, War'? If so, Darksiders Genesis on the Nintendo Switch could be the answer to your prayers. Just remember to keep your horseman and angels straight, because if I had a nickel for every time I confused them... well, I’d have a lot of nickels.
Darksiders Genesis drops players into a stylish top-down hack-and-slash adventure. The ability to switch between Strife and War on the fly is both liberating and mildly confusing, mainly because they don't even have the same powers. Strife prefers a dual-pistol approach, while War is all about his big, beefy sword, the Chaos Eater (which sounds much more intimidating than it likely is). Gameplay involves slicing and dicing demons while collecting souls that function as the in-game currency. Yes, just like in real life, the more people you defeat, the richer you become—if only my high school alumni event had worked that way. As for abilities, players can unlock a variety of moves and special abilities by expending those hard-earned souls, enabling them to wreak havoc with increasing elegance. And the co-op option? Perfectly designed for attracting friends into your chaotic world—just don’t be surprised if they regret agreeing after they realize how savage the gameplay can truly be.
The graphics in Darksiders Genesis give a nod to the comic book art style that's become synonymous with the franchise. It’s colorful and engaging, although some may say it looks like it stepped right out of a Saturday morning cartoon. The aesthetic is paired with smooth animations that, despite a few hiccups here and there, generally maintain a strong visual appeal. If this game was a dish, it would be an artsy entrée at a hipster café—delightful to look at but you’re not quite sure if the flavors are what you expected.
Darksiders Genesis presents an engaging tale of family ties, destruction, and a hint of sarcasm. It’s a title that balances action with exploration and puzzle-solving quite well—yes, puzzles as well, because having a chaotic romp isn't complete without a detour for brain strain. Apart from some camera issues and the occasional collision bug, this game offers an entertaining and visually pleasing experience on the Switch. It may not be perfect, but like any good horseman—with a little polish, it’ll definitely ease its way into your gaming collection. Just be prepared for the occasional, 'Wait, did I switch to War again?' moment. Overall, if you’re looking to dive into a world where demons are perpetually on the receiving end of righteous butt-kicking, this one’s for you.