In the cinematic wonder that is Unknown 9: Awakening, players get to leap into the shoes of Haroona, a gifted woman with more magical powers than your average 20th-century Indian resident. The game is styled as an action-adventure that hopes to land somewhere between thrilling gameplay and enough cutscenes to confuse your dog. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t quite stick the landing, but boy does it make a dramatic attempt.
In the game, players can choose to engage in combat or opt to channel their inner ninja by employing the stealth approach. In a world where everything gets more complicated than your average Netflix series, Haroona wields some flashy powers like body-swapping and clairvoyance. Yes, you heard me right – it’s like your therapist saying, 'let's explore your inner self,' but more on the supernatural side. The game offers a flexible approach, but with flexibility comes the piteous balancing of difficulty, which at times feels like attempting to walk a dog that’s decided it would rather lie down in the middle of the street than go for a walk. It’s a mixed bag, but it definitely pumps up the heart rate when players successfully dodge a confrontation or haunt an NPC like a particularly moody ghost.
Borrowing some graphical mojo from the Unreal Engine 4, one would expect a high-definition ride. Instead, we get something reminiscent of a loud family reunion where one relative insists on showing off their vacation slides – overly colorful, slightly out of focus, and inspiring just a tad too much cringing. While some environments ooze potential, the character models and animations occasionally scream 'low-budget indie project,' proving that good intentions aren’t always enough.
In the end, Unknown 9: Awakening manages to be interesting in theory but falters in execution like a magician who forgot their final trick. The game had all the ingredients, like a mediocre pizza with toppings that should have worked together, but somehow it just tasted... off. Missing sequels and mediocre reviews indicate it might be time for Haroona and her band of psychic pals to head back to the drawing board - or at least to a higher scoring buffet. As for players, if you’re hungry for a transcendent experience, it might be better to order takeout instead.