In a world where magic and science collide, and players can pilot gigantic robots with beings from a popular light novel series, 'A Certain Magical Virtual-On' attempts to mix mecha battles with characters from 'A Certain Magical Index'. Unfortunately, it feels more like a confusing mash-up than a thrilling ride through Academy City. Strap in, folks; this review is about to take off like an uncontrollable Virtualoid!
The gameplay is separated into several modes: story, network, tutorial, and training. Unfortunately, most of them feel repetitive and lack the bite needed to keep players hooked. In story mode, players follow the light novel's incidents, but with the clarity of fogged-up goggles. Network mode allows you to go head-to-head with other players, but unless you know the ins and outs of the combat system, you might end up more confused than a cat in a dog park. Toss in a tutorial mode that feels more like reading a textbook than actual hands-on advice, and you might find yourself wishing you'd just taken a nap instead of fighting with screens full of button prompts and confusing mechanics.
The graphics are surprisingly underwhelming for a PS4 title. The environments are bland, the character models lack detail, and the animations can often feel stiff. In fact, I’ve seen better graphics on my old Game Boy! If you've ever wanted to see what Academy City looks like with all the charm stripped away, look no further. The only thing less engaging than the visuals might be the soundtrack, a mix of generic battle music that will have you wanting to mute the game in favor of your favorite tunes. Sorry Sega, but you really dropped the ball on this one.
In conclusion, 'A Certain Magical Virtual-On' tries to offer a unique experience where players can duke it out in giant robots while also involving beloved characters from a popular franchise. Sadly, it falls flat on multiple fronts, with dull gameplay, disappointing graphics, and a story that is about as clear as mud. Unless you're a die-hard fan desperate to see every possible crossover or have friends willing to suffer through it with you, you might want to take a long hard look in the mirror before pressing start. I give it a generous 3 out of 10. Better luck next time, Sega!