Out of the ashes of hopeless bug infestation rises yet another installment in the ever-fantastic Earth Defense Force series. In Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair, you’ll fight against mutant bugs, lizard-things, and that unsettling feeling that you might actually be enjoying it a little too much. If you’ve ever wanted to unleash chaos with the kind of sheer firepower typically found in an 80s action movie, look no further.
In this game, you take on the noble role of a soldier in the Earth Defense Force (EDF). This means you will be fighting giant aliens, but don't worry – you've got an arsenal that would make even Captain America a bit jealous. Forget just a few guns; there are over seven hundred. No, that’s not a typo. I didn’t accidentally leave the zero on my number pad – you can wield everything from puny MP5s to ridiculously large rocket launchers that seem to be born of someone’s unhinged dreams. Your job? You get to run around, blowing things up, while maybe—just maybe—pretending some greater good is being served.
Let's discuss the graphics, shall we? They’re about as refined as the last Diet Coke you left out in the sun for three days. The game boasts environments that are destructible (which is awesome!), but it’s in the pop-in and textures where you might find yourself questioning whether you accidentally inserted a PS2 disc into your PS4. Honestly, though, when the action escalates, and you blow up a few buildings while ten billion ants swarm you, do you really care about resolution? Spoiler alert: you won’t.
Earth Defense Force 4.1 is the equivalent of that friend who shows up to a party with sweatpants, a six-pack, and just a pinch of madness. It's an unexpected good time that lives for chaotic fun – and if that means stomped bugs, eight-foot-tall lizards, and OTT firepower, then so be it. The gameplay might feel repetitive at times, the graphics left behind in an era with flip phones, but if you’re looking for an alien-blasting, fun-destroying experience to shrug your shoulders at while sipping Cheez Whiz from the can, then congratulations! You found your next favorite chaotic mess. Just don’t forget to bring the popcorn.