In a world infested with rogue robots, former kids' show starlets take on the role of robotic exterminators. Welcome to '20XX', a game that makes you question your entire childhood. Spoiler: Mega Man drink too much coffee!
In 20XX, players control Nina and Ace—perhaps the worst criminals in history, running around defeating robots instead of doing productive things like cleaning their windows. Gameplay draws heavy inspiration from 'Mega Man X', but instead of memorizing level patterns like a child prodigy, you get randomly generated stages. Yes, random! Like your playlist on a Monday morning. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and then you’ll die—a lot. It boasts permanent death, aka permadeath, which sounds like a bad hair treatment and kind of feels like it too when you keep respawning from scratch after running into a wall. But fear not! Collect Soul Chips to unlock upgrades, as if they were coupons for free tacos. Use bolts (which are totally not made-up currency) to buy upgrades or restore health at vending machines, because why not, right? It’s not crazy at all to expect a vending machine for energy after a fierce battle against malfunctioning servos.
20XX's graphics could best be described as adorable chaos. Characters that look like digital gelato in pastel colors shoot beams of light that look like they’re powered by unicorn sparkles. The levels are vibrant and chock-full of pixel art charm that may lead you to think, "Wow, I should really visit the eye doctor... or maybe just get a job in graphic design." The aesthetic screams indie darling, and if you gaze at it long enough, you might develop a longing for spaghetti code.
Despite the hair-pulling frustration of permadeath and the gnashing of teeth at randomly generated levels, 20XX delivers a solid platforming experience for those brave enough to face its pixelated trials. Its blend of nostalgia, pixel art, and quirky gameplay makes it a worthy homage to classic action platformers. So if you're looking for a delightful dose of suffering, a hearty sprinkling of humor, and fancy yourself a digital exterminator, shoo away the robots and embrace the chaos. Overall, I declare '20XX' a solid 8 out of 10! Now grab a controller and prepare for rage…or just take your chances with actual robots. At least they won't judge your gaming skills!