Ah, the 8-bit era! A time when gaming was pure, simple, and full of pixelated blocky characters. 'Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon' takes us back to a nostalgic past, where we get to whack demons with a sword and grapple with the dark truths of... well, just being a character in a retro platformer! Developed by the nostalgic masterminds at Inti Creates, this game serves as the perfect warm-up act for its bigger brother, ‘Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.’
Gameplay dives straight into the slashing, jumping, and glowing power-ups that define classic platformers like 'Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse.' Players start as Zangetsu, a swordsman with a sweet sword-action combo dealing justice to demons. But it gets better as you recruit three companions with unique abilities: Miriam, a whip-wielding hero; Alfred, whose magic tricks could put David Copperfield to shame; and Gebel, who’s a vampire but not an annoying one (sorry sparkly vampires!). You can switch between these characters at any time, which makes gameplay feel dynamic despite being rooted in a retro aesthetic. Prepare for some mind-boggling exploration as levels branch into dozens of paths, hiding all sorts of extra goodies! It’s like 'Choose Your Anime Adventure,' but with more demons and a lot less talking cats. But beware! If a character dies, they're toast for the level, and they can't come back until you restart! Nothing screams ‘bad day’ like losing your favorite character in the middle of a demon-infested catacomb! An unlimited lives option is included for the baby gamers. And if you think you're hardcore, check out the Boss Rush Mode, where you can fight bosses nonstop until... what, you say 'I'm tired’ and walk away? No excuses!
Visually, the game is an homage to the 8-bit graphical style. Remember those painfully low-resolution sprites? Well, these guys did an awesome job mimicking that nostalgic charm while sprinkling in some modern graphical flare. The parallax scrolling is so slick, you sweet-talk your screen into thinking it's from the future! Sure, some boss designs stick out like a pixelated thumb ('What’s up with that dragon having a mechanical arm?') but the variety overall will give you an eyegasm of pixel perfection.
In short, 'Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon' manages to juggle nostalgia and fun, coming off as a well-crafted homage to the classics while still providing new twists. It’s a compact game that won’t ask for days of your life, but it offers sufficient playtime to feel fulfilled. Just remember: when demons show up with bad intentions, grab your sword, throw in a jump or two, and prepare for pixelated mayhem. This journey isn't for the faint of heart, but for anyone with fond memories of the 8-bit era, it's a delightful trip! Plus, who doesn’t want to feel like they’ve returned to simpler times where everything was about hunting demons and not, you know, scrolling through endless memes on social media?