Ladies and gentlemen, strap in for a nostalgic ride back to the golden age of aggressive button mashing, where the only thing you needed to defeat an evil mastermind was a healthy supply of soda cans and a caffeine-blitzed thumb. Yes, we are diving into the wild, wacky world of Fighting Force, released in 1997 on PlayStation and heralded as one of the last gasps of the 2D beat ‘em up genre now trapped in 3D’s awkward embrace.
Fighting Force thrusts players into the chaos of urban and sci-fi themed environments, taking control of one of four rambunctious characters, each with their own flavor of beatdown style. Choose from the likes of brawny Hawk Manson or the über-masculine Ben 'Smasher' Jackson, who can lift and throw engines because... well, why not? Your mission—should you choose to accept it (and you don’t really have a choice)—is to smash your way through waves upon waves of nameless henchmen while collecting whatever weapon is shiny enough to be picked up, including the ever-potent soda can. You heard that right; we've come full circle from martial arts epicness to everyday objects meaning serious business! Combine punches, jumps, and a few cartoonish special moves that make your health bar quiver in fear, and you have yourself a delightful, if not chaotic, beat ‘em up extravaganza.
Graphically, Fighting Force attempts to impress with its transition from 2D sprites to 3D models. While the characters are intriguing, the environments can occasionally look flatter than the plot of a mid-90s sitcom. Don’t let that deter you, though; within the messy animations and repetitive backgrounds, there is still some beauty to be found—if you squint really hard and believe. Comparisons to other titles of the era, like the iconic Final Fight, inevitably spring up, and in this case, unfortunately, the latter walks away with more of the accolades.
In conclusion, Fighting Force might not have achieved the blockbuster fame of its 2D predecessors, but it still offers a good slice of nostalgic fun for those willing to plunge back into a world dominated by cheesy 3D graphics and mindless button mashing. Whereas critics took a mixed stance—some savaging the game's repetitive nature while others celebrated its simplicity—the fusion of nostalgia and barely conscious mayhem creates a charm that’s hard to resist for the masochistic gamer. Whether you're looking to relive a piece of the spirited '90s or simply need cannon fodder for a stress relief session, Fighting Force delivers just that. Rating it a solid '6' out of '10' feels right, albeit with a hint of optimism for what could have been. The one takeaway? Grab your soda cans, because Dr. Dex Zeng won’t defeat himself!