Oh boy, here we go again! It's time to dive back into the chaotic world of Die Hard Trilogy 2: Viva Las Vegas. This game, well, let’s just say it’s a three-ring circus of shooting, driving, and bad decisions. If you're intrigued by the idea of John McClane taking a holiday to Sin City only to ruin his vacation with explosions, you've come to the right place!
Die Hard Trilogy 2 is like a weird buffet where you’re not quite sure what you’re going to get. The gameplay segues between three distinct genres: 3rd person action/adventure shoots, light gun segments (the kind that make you want a gun-shaped controller), and good ol’ fashioned extreme driving. Sounds like the perfect recipe for confusion, right? Well, it kind of is - but somehow it works! Players hop between genres in "Movie Mode," which is basically a fancy way of saying you’ll suddenly be doing one thing, only to find yourself in a driving segment where all sense of speed and control goes to die. If you prefer to keep your chaos organized, you can play individual sub-games in "Arcade Mode." Just be prepared to unleash your inner action hero because of the more advanced enemy AI that likes to think it’s smart. Who knew lackeys could be such overachievers?
Now for the visuals: if you’ve ever wanted to see what a 'not-so-great' PS1 game looks like, look no further. The character models resemble a low-budget Halloween decoration and textures appear flatter than your Aunt Betty’s meatloaf. Saying the graphics are dated would be an understatement; they’re practically fossils. The frame rate does hold up pretty well, though, and let’s all be honest: Who’s really here for graphics anyway? It’s about the explosions baby!
In summary, Die Hard Trilogy 2: Viva Las Vegas is a mixed bag of genre confusion, dated textures, and questionable voice acting. It’s far from the best the PlayStation has to offer, but if you’re a fan of the Die Hard franchise or just enjoy a good laugh while trying to understand how McClane continues to be in such absurd situations, Viva Las Vegas might just be a fun way to waste a Saturday afternoon. Just remember: it’s not hacking the code of the universe, it’s just John McClane blowing stuff up with a side of driving skill - or lack thereof. So grab your controller, and let’s blow some $#!% up in Las Vegas!